Um Feliz Natal para todos os leitores deste blogue!
Merry Christmas to all readers of this blog!

Marcadores: Carta (Cover), Polônia (Poland), Selo (Stamp)
Selos, Cartas, Cartões Postais e Postcrossing - Stamps, Covers, Postcards and Postcrossing
Marcadores: Carta (Cover), Polônia (Poland), Selo (Stamp)
Ronny here.. did you get the cover and mint stamps ive send u.. do let me know.. happy new year
Hi There I'd like to congratulate you for such a great quality site!
thought this would be a nice way to introduce myself!
Robin Toby
if you're ever bored check out my site!
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nice site
I am looking for this 3 stamps issued by brazil in 1992 on Conference das nacoes unidas sorre mied ambient e sesenvorviments.
In exchange I can send you a beautiful TajMahal card. I don't mind either mint or used.
thanks a lot my email id
Pedro the Great! Ronny is my friend from Malaysia. Have a great day!
its a nice picture of stamp.i like it.
I love this blog. I find hard time visiting sites that could actually inform me regarding this information. Glad that i found it here. I do have my reporting earlier this week. And probably i could use this a s my reference.
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